Tuesday, August 25, 2020
An Overview of Agricultural Geography
An Overview of Agricultural Geography Around ten to twelve thousand years prior, people started to tame plants and creatures for food. Prior to this first farming upset, individuals depended on chasing and assembling to acquire food supplies. While there are still gatherings of trackers and finders on the planet, most social orders have changed to agribusiness. The beginnings of horticulture didn't simply happen in one spot however showed up at the same time the world over, perhaps through experimentation with various plants and creatures or by long haul experimentation. Between the primary farming transformation a large number of years back and the seventeenth century, horticulture stayed practically the equivalent. The Second Agricultural Revolution In the seventeenth century, a second agrarian transformation occurred which expanded the effectiveness of creation just as dispersion, which permitted more individuals to move to the urban areas as the mechanical upset got in progress. The eighteenth centurys European settlements became wellsprings of crude rural and mineral items for the industrializing countries. Presently, a significant number of the nations which were once provinces of Europe, particularly those in Central America, are still vigorously associated with indistinguishable sorts of farming creation from they were many years back. Cultivating in the twentieth century has gotten exceptionally mechanical in increasingly created countries with topographical advances like GIS, GPS, and remote detecting while less created countries proceed with rehearses which are like those created after the primary farming upheaval, a great many years prior. Kinds of Agriculture About 45% of the universes populace makes their living through horticulture. The extent of the populace associated with agribusiness ranges from about 2% in the United States to about 80% in certain pieces of Asia and Africa. There are two sorts of agribusiness, means, and business. There are a huge number of means ranchers on the planet, the individuals who produce just enough harvests to take care of their families. Numerous means ranchers utilize the cut and consume or swidden horticultural strategy. Swidden is a procedure utilized by around 150 to 200 million individuals ​and is particularly common in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia. A part of land is cleared and consumed to give in any event one and as long as three years of good harvests for that bit of land. When the land can never again be used, another fix of ground is cut and consumed for another round of harvests. Swidden is certainly not a perfect or efficient technique for horticultural creation by it is successful for ranchers who dont think a lot about water system, soil, and treatment. The second kind of farming is business agribusiness, where the main role is to sell ones item at showcase. This happens all through the world and incorporates significant natural product estates in Central America just as gigantic agribusiness wheat cultivates in the Midwestern United States. Geographers ordinarily recognize two significant belts of harvests in the U.S. The wheat belt is recognized as intersection the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma. Corn, which is fundamentally developed to take care of animals, comes to from southern Minnesota, across Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. J.H. Von Thunen built up a model in 1826 (which wasnt converted into English until 1966) for the agrarian utilization of land. It has been used by geographers since that time. His hypothesis expressed that the more transient and heavier items would be developed nearer to urban territories. By taking a gander at the harvests developed inside metropolitan zones in the U.S., we can see that his hypothesis despite everything remains constant. It is normal for transitory vegetables and organic products to be developed inside metropolitan zones while less-short-lived grain is prevalently created in non-metropolitan districts. Farming uses about 33% of the land on the planet and involves the lives of around more than two billion individuals. Its imperative to comprehend where our food originates from.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Who S The Real Terrorist Free Essays
In the video they make solid contentions on what mistakes is and who are the psychological oppressor. The video does to be sure contact its crowd and gives a reasonable message. Ethos The Classroom banter scene doesn’t present anyone anyway it shows believability tossed out the video and uses notable entertainers. We will compose a custom paper test on Who S The Real Terrorist or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now The scene in itself shows a great deal of believability at last since it is set up as a study hall conversation, setting. The educator likewise shows he realizes what he is discussing essentially on the grounds that he is tossing out information with numbers. At last numbers make’s much else sound and some of the time considerably progressively trustworthy. The understudy who is appeared on the video who is safeguarding the Muslims is a Hindu on-screen character named, Ivies Oberon. While the teacher is a notable star named USAF All Kahn. The remainder of the classes are irregular master American entertainers that nobody truly knows. The crowd will consequently concur with the renowned and notable entertainers. While with the arbitrary understudies who the crowd isn’t acquainted with them will in all likelihood can't help contradicting them. For example organizations utilize this technique. They use good examples and notable famous people. For instance Lebanon James a notable ball player is supported by Nikkei, McDonald’s, and Coca-Cola. The Meany’s expectation is focus there crowd and arrive point over. Considering there point being that if, Lebanon James eats or wears this so should you. That’s how they endeavored to control there focused crowd and convey the desired information simply like in the Exurban banter scene. This naturally gives the entertainers greater believability as in they really hear what they’re saying not at all like the underground on-screen characters, therefore removes their validity. Subsequently the entertainers being utilized can make their contention more grounded and sound. Logos The video scene starts when the instructor expresses that â€Å"Islam is a religion that arrives settled and tolerates†(Exurban-Classroom Debate Scene, . 32 seconds). When the teacher completes one of the understudies shouts â€Å"if Islam really is a religion that lectures harmony why they experience the world’s most difficulty spots like the west bank, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran there all tormented with Islamic fear mongering. †(Exurban-Crisscross Debate Scene, . 37 seconds). The understudy utilizes a flawed finding in here explanation, she utilizes piece. She is accepting that all psychological militant are Muslims by summing up that the world most difficulty spots are all gratitude to Islamic fear based oppression. Tossed UT the film scene there is a considerable amount of coherent intrigue. The video shows its intelligent intrigue in different manners. They convince the crowd by uncovering the United States and guaranteeing that the US is just in the Middle East for the oil and that the Taliban was a making of the CIA as such it very well may be described as a lie since there truly is no verification or it can likewise be an intrigue to unknown position. Regardless of that, the video gives numbers and look at how a larger number of individuals pass on in Afghanistan bombarding than in 9 1 . The understudy looks at how much individuals have passed on in Afghanistan besieging being which as more than 15,000 while 9 1 had around 3000. The legitimate intrigue is plainly substantial and compelling to the crowd since they bolster their announcements and give data. To summarize it toward the finish of the video the understudy even finishes with consistent intrigue by expressing that on the grounds that there elites and wear an extravagant suit doesn’t make them any unique in relation to other fear monger. This more likely than not been one of the most grounded coherent intrigue that one of the understudies states. It makes the crowd sort of evacuate that visually impaired overlap that the legislature has had them have on. It changes the point of view and in a manner makes the focused on crowd open there eyes. Sentiment The passionate intrigue is clear all through the video. You can see the outrage in the understudy who contends how American’s are the genuine psychological militant restrict to different understudies who are against the Islam religion, they show a declaration of being exhausted of the contention. The understudy demonstrating his resentment persuades the crowd in the method of how tired he is of Americans appearing there false reverence on how the fear based oppressor are Islam religion. While the understudy who are communicating as destroyed assistance out the contention significantly more by demonstrating how he has uncovered them, which genuinely will affect the crowds . The video closes with the master Muslim understudy indicating his resentment. His appearance makes it seem as though all Muslims are tired of Americans stepping in their dirt and exploiting and simply besieging there nation. The understudy makes the contention increasingly enthusiastic and engaging just as the discouraging mood melodies. Taking everything into account the film scene secured the three distinctive explanatory techniques by either supporting its contention or not making it more fragile. The antique does in reality arrive at its motivation in convincing and persuading its crowd since its contention depends on realities. The video basically notice on owe the US was awful and are fear monger and gave little data on how Muslims are additionally psychological oppressor. Step by step instructions to refer to Who S The Real Terrorist, Papers
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Making house calls
Making house calls As part of the 2011 Early Action Telethon, today I had the opportunity to talk to some of the prospective members of the Class of 2011. That’s right, if you don’t ask me questions on my blog, I will call your house and suck them out of you. No, really. I fully acknowledge that it’s awkward to get a call during dinner from someone you don’t know. But, we’re just trying to help! I am really glad to have been able to answer some of your questions (which I have copied below) and learn some new things as well (congrats to the 2007 Intel Science Talent Search Semifinalists!) Question: What is the transition from high school to MIT like? Academically, the transition depends greatly on the rigor of your high school curriculum. I went to a math and science Magnet program, so I came into MIT with AP credits in Biology, Physics, and Calculus. This is by no means the norm. Keep in mind that first semester freshman year is on pass/ no-record. It is meant to level the playing field, so that you will succeed at MIT regardless of your high school preparation. You can also make life easier or much harder on yourself, depending on the level of the intro class that you choose to take. For example, to fulfill one of your physics requirements, you can take 8.02 (Electricity and Magnetism) or 8.022 (Electricity and Magnetism with calculus…must harder.) I chose to take 8.02, not because I was lazy, but because I wasn’t interested enough in the subject to want to dive into the deep end…I was fine with wadding in the shallow waters. I would rather labor over advanced biology or mechanics, it’s all just a matter of personal pre ferences, as long as you finish your requirements! Socially, making the transition to college will be challenging no matter what school you attend. It is difficult to adjust to living away from home, where all of a sudden you are faced with a whole new set of responsibilities. You might get the Freshman 15 (I did…) from eating at all the free barbeques around campus during the first few weeks of school, or from late-night snacking while pseting. It might take you some time to adjust to living with a roommate or being so far away from your family and high school friends. But, your newfound freedom and independence will be something you will learn to love and appreciate. Eventually, you will find yourself learning to use a planner, cooking, cleaning, paying your bills, and even (*gasp*) doing your own laundry. (On another note, I would highly recommend participating in a pre-orientation program. I did the Freshman Leadership Program, and it gave me an opportunity to meet many freshmen before even stepping foot on campus.) Question: What is the social life like? Hopefully, by reading these blogs you realize that MIT students are normal people! We are not socially inept beings who lock ourselves in our rooms, refusing to see the light of day until all of our problem sets are complete. In fact, if you come to Campus Preview Weekend, you will see the broad spectrum of activities on campus and realize that while everyone is a nerd at heart, they know how to have fun (whether it is by dropping pumpkins off of roofs or salsa dancing at a club in Central Square.) Basically, there is something for everyone. Don’t worry about not finding friends…you’ll find a group of people where you’ll feel like you belong. If you can’t find that group in the dorms, you will surely find them in the independent living groups, 27 fraternities, or 5 sororities. Qusetion: How easy is it to cross-register with Harvard? From what I hear, it’s very easy and just requires you to fill out a form and talk with your advisor. I have friends who have taken language classes at Harvard, art classes at the Museum of Fine Arts, and humanities classes at Wellesley. Harvard is only 2 stops away on the T and less than thirty minutes by bus. Wellesley and the Museum of Fine Arts are also pretty close by. See, that wasn’t so painful, was it? Any other questions? Post Tagged #cross-registration
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Physical Layout, Demographic Data Class Time And Duration
Physical layout, Demographic data Class time and duration According to Merriam, et al. (2007) the formal settings of adult learning classrooms are generally characterized by adults sitting with an instructional approaches that includes a variety of methods from lectures to group collaboration. The physical layout of the classroom was much like many college classroom layouts. There were multiple long rows of tables facing the front. Students had ample room and space for technology such as computer space. Although the front of the classroom was setup with a large whiteboard and an interactive projector hung from the ceiling, most of the classroom instructional time was focused on students working in small groups. Additionally, the classroom was well maintained with lots of windows and spacious room for instruction and cooperative groups. There were ten students including, three males and seven females. There were also three white students and seven African American student s. The students’ age ranged from early twenties to probably eto mid-fifties. My assumptions are based on the students’ interactions and stories with each other and the professor. This class met at 5:00 p.m. lasting one hour fifteen minutes and ending at 6:15 p.m. This class was one of ten face to face classes. As stated earlier, this course also included on-line module components. Adult learning strategies One memorable occurrence in this observation began right at the beginning ofShow MoreRelatedNeed For A Socio Economic Study1705 Words  | 7 Pagespopulation, their background, reasons of migration, duration of migration, their transition from slum to other areas, mechanism of coping with the slum problems. ïÆ'Ëœ Issues related to willingness to pay for better living conditions and expectations from the government, and other members of urban society. ïÆ'Ëœ The economic contributions of the people in slums. ïÆ'Ëœ The cost of alternative models of development of slum areas. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Critical Evaluation of Relevant Issues in E - Commerce
Critical Evaluation of Relevant Issues in E – Commerce E-commerce is short form of Electronic Commerce which actually means the virtual business or buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the internet and or mobile networks. The invention of faster internet connectivity and powerful online tools has resulted in this new method of trading or commerce arena – Ecommerce. Ecommerce offered many advantages to companies and customers but it also caused many problems. It is a fact that even today many people are skeptical about using online transaction for the fear of either goofing up or being duped! Nowadays E-Commerce is the buzz word on everyone’s lips be it the buyers or the sellers. Even education is†¦show more content†¦This is not always the case as many emails get through that con many people out of money and other worldly goods. An example of conning that is very common today is a mail arriving in the mailbox stating that a very large sum of money is yours for taking. All you have to do is claim it by proving your identity and giving your bank details. When an unsuspecting, gullible person does gives his bank details these are used to fraudulently withdraw money from the victims account. We could call it virtual robbery! There are many forms of e-commerce but the most popular ones are known as digital content such as individuals going online to purchase books or clothing. Anything imaginable can be purchase through the internet. Everything from cars to groceries to CDs to clothing to laptops/mobile phones/ accessories, etc. Other things that can be done online are things like online banking, online bill payments, buying stocks, completing wire transfers and transferring funds from bank to bank and account to account. Large companies also do the same transactions but in larger forms. It is just amazing how the e-commerce industry has grown since the 1970s. Now people go without visiting their banks for months together because almost anything can be done online like fund transfer; making a fixed deposit, opening accounts even! With the growth of ecommerce via the Internet there is growing awareness both among the buyers and theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Internet and a Business Information Security1617 Words  | 7 PagesEnsuring the security of a businesses’ information and assets is a critical part of a company’s success. The many facets of the World Wide Web have made protecting data a critical function for companies world-wide. Companies owe it to their customers to maintain proper security regarding sensitive information obtained when processing services or storing sensitive data. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Movie Task Free Essays
Classical conditioning was first explored and developed by Ivan Pavlov, wherein the repeated pairings of a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus would result to a conditioned response to the neutral stimulus which now becomes the conditioned stimulus. In simpler terms, Pavlov was able to demonstrate that continuously pairing a product or brand with positive emotions or behaviors, resulted to people becoming conditioned to the brand or product as producing positive emotions or behaviors. Classical conditioning was the first learning program to be applied to a number of fields whose objective does to make people learn something new without actually needing to pay attention or analyze what they were learning. We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Task or any similar topic only for you Order Now Classical conditioning was the preferred method of marketing strategies for low-risk and low-involvement products and has been quite effective in building the association between safety and Mr. Muscle, or that of a Happy Meal at McDonald’s. Concept in the movie: In the movie, classical conditioning was depicted in the distinction made from the quality of life up at San Angeles and down at the rebels lair. The movie had shown a stark contrast between the kind of life people have up at the megalopolis San Angeles and down the sewers. The affluent and safe life was depicted with the shiny buildings, the morality statute and zero violence, whereas the dark and difficult life was depicted underground in the sewers with unhealthy food, with rags for clothes and unsanitary living conditions. Evaluation of the concept in the movie: Classical conditioning refers to the process in which something is learned because it has become strongly associated with a certain emotional or physiological response. The movie made use of the classical conditioning concept by making the viewers believe that life up at San Angeles was better than life under it because of the contrasting emotional response that it evoked from the actors in the movie. The life at San Angeles was safe and boring, while under it, it was dangerous and exciting. In the concept of marketing, we could see that Dr. Cocteau was promoting the quality of life in San Angeles by making people believe that life there was safer, better and more productive than life under it to discourage people from going underground because he feels threatened by the dissenters. The emotional response of the characters in the movie who were up in San Angeles towards the underground rebels indicate the makings of classical conditioning, wherein the mere thought or presence of a rebel could evoke fear or hostility towards the rebels who did not want the kind of life offered by Cocteau. When the rebels go up at San Angeles to look for food, the citizens feel that they are being terrorized while Spartan looks at it as a means of survival because he had not been conditioned to have negative emotions for the rebels like the normal citizens do. Concept 2 Title: Brand Loyalty vs Brand Equity Concept Definition: Brand loyalty refers to the degree of attachment that a consumer has for a particular brand, while brand equity refers to the intangible value that a consumer attaches to a particular brand and how it evokes familiarity and positive emotions and perceptions. Brand equity is the general term while brand loyalty is a component of brand equity together with brand awareness, perceived quality and brand associations. The level of brand loyalty can predict the likelihood that a consumer will continue buying the brand, which can also be affected by brand awareness. Brand awareness indicates how well informed and aware the consumer is about the brand and its related products, like how many kinds of detergents does Tide have. Perceived quality refers to how consumers assess the quality of the brand, or how congruent the quality of the product is to how it has been marketed, if it says it can make stains disappear, do consumers believe it or not. Brand associations refer to the emotional and mental associations a consumer has about the product, if Tide is associated as the cleanest smelling detergent, then the mere exposure to the product would have us remember that clean smelling shirt at the wash. The stronger the brand loyalty is and awareness and association of the product and high perception of quality, the stronger the brand equity will be. Concept in the movie: Brand loyalty and brand equity was depicted in the movie with the reference of Taco Bell as the only surviving fast food after the different establishments battled it out in the franchise wars. Since San Angeles promoted safe and clean living without meat, fat, high cholesterol and the like, Taco Bell was the only fast food that survived because they offered the food that was prescribed by the leader of San Angeles and since Taco Bell was providing the same kind of food before the â€Å"big one†of 2010, then brand loyalty and equity had been strong as many people were aware of Taco Bell, and knew about its quality and that it is associated with healthy food and clean living. Evaluation of the concept in the movie: In the movie, Huxley explained that the only fast-food in the city was Taco Bell; this indicated that Taco Bell has strong brand equity. This would mean that Taco Bell has a monopoly of the fast food industry and that every franchise in the city is named Taco Bell. Surviving the franchise war gives us an idea of how the brand equity of Taco Bell gained an almost cult like status; the franchise war referred to how the fast-food industry tried to offer products that would be in keeping with the new quality of life with San Angeles, devoid of hamburgers and French fries and other sinfully unhealthy foods. Since most fast-foods rely on the usual fare of grease and salty fries, the move to prefer healthier foods left the other fast-foods cold. It was probably Taco Bell who alone kept up with the changing food habits of the people of San Angeles which s why it has come to be associated with healthy and approved foods. Likewise, Taco Bell has been able to retain the fast-food brand as a memory of the kind of fast foods in the city 20 years ago. The awareness of the brand of fast food as Taco Bell show that people still were loyal to the brand and they already have formed a strong opinion of the kind of food offered in the stores. Concept 3 Title: Cognitive dissonance theory vs Attribution theory Concept Definition: Leon Festinger said that cognitive dissonance arose from the inconsistency of an individual’s attitude to his/her behavior or actions. When a person thinks that he/she is kind but refuses to give alms to beggars, then that person experiences cognitive dissonance, the normal reaction to cognitive dissonance is to reduce the dissonance by changing one’s attitudes. On the other hand, attribution theory refers to the process in which we infer and understand our own behavior or that of other people. Heider said that attributions are made based on personal factors or situational factors in order to explain the behavior of other people. The fundamental attribution error says that observers generally overestimate the influence of personal factors when explaining the behavior of others while we tend to overestimate situational factors when we analyze our own behavior. Concept in the movie: Cognitive dissonance and attribution theory was shown in the movie through the series of exchanges between Spartan and Huxley in their pursuit of Phoenix and also in the justification made by Dr. Cocteau in his attempt at eliminating the rebel leader. In a poignant scene, Spartan complains that chasing and hitting bad people are okay but if these people are only looking for food then it is not okay. Attribution theory was depicted when Dr. Cocteau was dismayed with how his plan turned sour when Phoenix failed to follow his orders and instead went on a killing rampage in San Angeles. Evaluation of concept in the movie: Spartan was a cop of the past and he had trouble adjusting to the quality of life in the new San Angeles, he was brought to life again in order to catch an old criminal which was no match for the new San Angeles police force. This situation already hinted of cognitive dissonance, the presence of a police department who were ill equipped to catch criminals, and the curtailing of freedom of expression in order to keep peace and order in the city. The most memorable example of cognitive dissonance was when Spartan was chasing after a group of rebels who were looking for food, he thought that these people were really rebels but when he found out that they were only looking for food and was rebelling against the quality of life up in San Angeles than an arms rebellion. The dissonance arose from Spartan’s belief that he is a good cop chasing after bad guys, when he realized that he was chasing people looking for food, he felt discomfort and tension which resulted to attitude change, and here we see that Spartan tried to understand the rebels and their principles thereby reducing the dissonance. Attribution theory was depicted in Dr. Cocteau’s explanation of why Phoenix did not go through the plan to kill the rebel leader immediately. He said that Phoenix was made that way that a criminal would always be a criminal; he failed to say that the lack of police force and the flimsy security measures all contributed to Phoenix’s ease at creating mayhem in the city. Reference Schiffman, L. G. Kanuk, L. L. (2007). Consumer Behavior, 9th ed.  Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, Inc. How to cite Movie Task, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Book of Matches explore Essay Example For Students
Book of Matches explore Essay Drawing parallels with other poems in the â€Å"Book of Matches†explore the ways in which Armitage effectively conveys experience in ‘Hitcher’. ‘Hitcher’ by Simon Armitage is a chilling poem in which a frustrated man, who picks up a hitcher with â€Å"just a toothbrush and the good earth for a bed†, takes out his anger on this ‘hippy’ and throws him out of a moving car: he is cheered up by doing so and says that â€Å"the outlook for the day was†now â€Å"moderate to fair†. This poem contains key ideas and concerns that are reminiscent of Simon Armitage’s other poetry and therefore parallels can be drawn between this poem and his other works in the collection, â€Å"Book of Matches†. This poem is much longer than the sonnets which form the central sequence of the collection. This shorter sequence, which gives the collection its name, is based on the pub game of telling your life story in the time it takes for a match to burn. However, these sonnets are often imperfect in form (irregular meter and pararhyme) and it seems that Armitage’s philosophy and experience influence his poetry and do not allow him to write in the perfect and romantic form of a true sonnet. In the poem ‘Hitcher’, there a five, five line stanzas, which almost have a syllabically regular structure, despite its irregular rhyme scheme. It is written in the form of a monologue that allows the reader to gain insight into the mind of this killer and adds to the immediacy and the authenticity of the poem. The first stanza of Hitcher reveals that the narrator has been off work for a while and is under threat of losing his job. He colloquially states that he had been â€Å"tired, under//the weather†, but not seriously ill. This seems to describe someone who is unable to face the routine of everyday life and he states that the â€Å"ansaphone†is â€Å"screaming†that he will be fired if he produces â€Å"one more sick note†. The frequent use of proper nouns is common in Armitage’s poems and shows the grounded and down-to-earth quality of his work. ‘Hitcher’ presents us with two extremes in society: two men of the same age, one of whom has succeeded in escaping all ties and worries, the other caught up in it, but unable to face up to its demands and threatened with losing his job. In a question and answer session with Simon Armitage, he said that at the time he was writing the poem, he was torn between both characters as he was choosing between either becoming a full-time poet or continuing as a probation officer. This also could represent a deeper meaning as it shows that art (represented by the hippy) always loses out to Thatcherite Capitalism (symbolised by the worker). The verb â€Å"screaming†shows the desperate nature of this man and portrays a recurrent theme of Simon Armitage’s poetry which is the futility of life. The protagonist is working and yet achieving nothing, whereas the ‘hippy’ seems to be living a care-free life. This is also shown in the poem, â€Å"My Party Piece†in the phrase, â€Å"I still find time to stall and blush before I’m burnt†. This shows that despite the short time that he has to tell his life story, he has spare time at the end to â€Å"stall and blush†. The narrator himself hitches a lift to the place where he has a hired car parked, but for a very different reason to the hitcher who he picks â€Å"up in Leeds†. Simon abruptly introduces the hitcher, who is only ever introduced as ‘him’ or ‘he’. This is important as keeping the character anonymous makes the crime more despicable. The hitcher epitomises freedom as he follows â€Å"the sun to west from east†and he is described as â€Å"blowin’ in the wind†which is a clear reference to the popular Bob Dylan song of the 1960s. The lazy enjambment of this stanza could be trying to make the hitcher sound as boring as possible. However, the hippys comment that the truth could perhaps be â€Å"round the next bend†is an ominous precursor to what follows. .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea , .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea .postImageUrl , .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea , .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea:hover , .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea:visited , .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea:active { border:0!important; } .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea:active , .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens begins the novel with oxymoron EssayThe fact that stanza three describes the narrators sudden violent attack on the hitcher reveals the envy that he felt when confronted by a person who appeared to have total freedom. I let him have it is a blunt description of the physical attack during which the narrator hit the hitcher initially with his own head and then â€Å"six times with the krooklok†, directly in his face. Ruthlessness is all too apparent when he tells us that he carried on driving, perhaps because he didnt even swerve during the attack. Violence is a common theme in Simon Armitage’s poetry as Armitage worked a s a probation officer originally in Manchester. This job, during which he had to deal with drug dealers and murderers could have given him a bleak and violent outlook on life that seems to have influenced his poetry. The colloquial and casual language, such as â€Å"I dropped it into third†makes the crime even more disturbing and the relaxed tone in which the main character talks after brutalising someone shows his psychopathic tendencies. Colloquial language is often used in Simon Armitage’s other poetry which reinforces the down-to-earth qualities of his poems (â€Å"My father though it bloody queer†and the hard-edged phrase, â€Å"People talk nonsense and I put them straight†). Armitage uses enjambment to link the third stanza to the fourth, as the narrator describes how he pushed the hitcher out of the car and watched him â€Å"bouncing off the kerb†. The statement â€Å"We were the same age, give or take a week†tells us that the narrator obviously made a direct comparison between himself and the hitcher. The hitcher â€Å"said he liked the breeze/to run its fingers/through his hair†: the personification brings to life this description that must have aroused such envy in the narrator at the hitchers freedom that he began his frenzied attack. In the last stanza we again see the cold-heartedness of the narrator in the matter-of-fact tone in which he speaks, â€Å"it was twelve noon†. Realism is added to the poem in the abrupt way the narrator says, â€Å"stitch that†, a violent, northern phrase uttered when head-butting someone. The chilling humour and flippant style shown in the line, â€Å"you can walk from there†is shocking and shows that the narrator shows no remorse. In conclusion, the combination of the colloquial tone in which the protagonist speaks and the violent actions that he depicts effectively portrays experience and, in particular, a man who lacks experience and yet is tired of life. Drawing parallels with other poems in the â€Å"Book of Matches†explore the ways in which Armitage effectively conveys experience in ‘Hitcher’.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
3 Cases of Not Only . . . but Also Variations
3 Cases of Not Only . . . but Also Variations 3 Cases of Not Only . . . but Also Variations 3 Cases of Not Only . . . but Also Variations By Mark Nichol Sentences that employ the â€Å"not only . . . but also†counterpoint (as in â€Å"I visited not only France but also Spain†) can confound writers, who often fail to apply logical syntax when using this construction. As shown in the examples below, such confusion often occurs in similarly posed statements. Discussion and revision of each sentence explains and illustrates coherent use of related constructions. 1. The idea was not to just construct a new arena, but one that would nod to the roots of the game. Just occupies the same role as only in a â€Å"not only . . . but also†counterpoint, and the principle is the same- when a verb applies to both the â€Å"not only†proposition and the â€Å"but also†proposition, the verb must precede â€Å"not only†: â€Å"The idea was to construct not just a new arena but also one that would nod to the roots of the game.†(Also, note that in this example as well as in the others, internal punctuation is not required to set off the two parts of the sentence.) 2. The above principles are not intended to prescribe specific reporting practices, but rather offer sound direction for the board and management to pursue. Here, as in a â€Å"not only . . . but also†construction of this type, the verb supports both elements of the not/rather counterpoint, so it must precede, not follow, not: â€Å"The above principles are intended not to prescribe specific reporting practices but rather to offer sound direction for the board and management to pursue.†3. It’s not simply deciding how good or bad an individual playing card is, but rather how consistently the player manages his or her appetite to win and his or her tolerance for losing. This sentence does not have a â€Å"not only . . . but also†counterpoint, but it requires a similar construction to make sense. Because simply implies addition, not replacement, also should replace rather, and the second part of the sentence requires a verb equivalent to deciding: â€Å"It’s not simply deciding how good or bad an individual playing card is but also determining how consistently the player manages his or her appetite to win and his or her tolerance for losing. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:5 Uses of InfinitivesDeck the HallsQuiet or Quite?
Friday, March 6, 2020
Simple Écouter Verb Conjugations in French
Simple Écouter Verb Conjugations in French When you want to say to listen to in French, use the verb à ©couter. In order to change it to the past tense listened to or the future tense will listen to, a simple verb conjugation is required. A short lesson in the most common forms of this useful verb will show you how thats done. Conjugating the French Verb Écouter Écouter is a regular -ER verb and it follows a very common conjugation pattern. This is good news for students who find these challenging because you can apply the infinitive endings you learn here to many other verbs. These include assister (to assist) and donner (to give). To change à ©couter to the present, future, or imperfect past tense, simply match the appropriate subject pronoun to the tense. For instance, I listen to is jà ©coute and we listen to is nous à ©couterons. Subject Present Future Imperfect j coute couterai coutais tu coutes couteras coutais il coute coutera coutait nous coutons couterons coutions vous coutez couterez coutiez ils coutent couteront coutaient The Present Participle of Écouter The present participle also builds off the verb stem with the -ant ending to form à ©coutant. This is an adjective, gerund, or noun in some circumstances as well as a verb. The Past Participle and Passà © Composà © The passà © composà ©Ã‚ is a familiar way to express the past tense listened to in French. To construct it, conjugate the auxiliary verb avoir to fit the subject pronoun, then attach the past participle à ©coutà ©. For example, I listened to becomes jai à ©coutà © and we listened to is nous avons à ©coutà ©. More Simple Écouter Conjugations Should you wish to express that the action of listening is questionable or not guaranteed, use the subjunctive verb mood. Similarly, when the action is dependent on something else happening, the conditional verb mood is employed. In formal writing, you will come across either the passà © simple or the imperfect subjunctive forms of à ©couter. Recognizing these will improve your reading comprehension. Subject Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive j coute couterais coutai coutasse tu coutes couterais coutas coutasses il coute couterait couta coutt nous coutions couterions coutmes coutassions vous coutiez couteriez couttes coutassiez ils coutent couteraient coutrent coutassent The imperative verb mood is used in short and often assertive statements. When using it, theres no need to include the subject pronoun: use à ©coute rather than tu à ©coute. Imperative (tu)     à ©coute (nous)  à ©coutons (vous)  à ©coutez
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Exploring Human Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Exploring Human Services - Essay Example Apart from drug abuse, alcohol abuse and tobacco abuse also come under the label of substance abuse. Substance abuse is increasing day by day all over the world because of increasing stress levels at family, society and workplace. The current generation is tied up with so many commitments and responsibilities at family, society and workplace and it is difficult for them to fulfill all the commitments. The failure or pressure to fulfill the commitments increases the stress levels of an average person which finally lead him towards substances like alcohol, drug or tobacco in order to get at least some temporary relaxation. â€Å"Abused substances produce some form of intoxication that alters judgment, perception, attention, or physical control. The 1996 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse estimated the number of users of illicit drugs in the United States to be about 13 million. In addition, the survey estimated that 10% of Americans abuse or are dependent on alcohol, and 25% of Americans smoke cigarettes†(Substance Abuse Overview). This paper briefly explains the substan ce abuse through the perspectives of human services in New York City. Substance abuse can be prevented with the combined effort of family, school, community, individual and peer. If either one component of the above mentioned domains neglect the substance abuse issue, the prevention would be much more difficult. The persons who are already addicted to substance abuse must be given proper treatment and at the same time prevention also should be given priority. Substance abuse can cause problems not only to the person who is addicted, but even for the relatives or other family members as well. For example, an alcohol or drug addicted pregnant woman can cause severe damages to the physical and mental development of the fetus. Moreover, substance abusive behavior of either of the parents can cause lot of damages to the children irrespective of their age or sex. So the
Monday, February 3, 2020
Managing resources in a business context Assignment
Managing resources in a business context - Assignment Example Employment Tribunals and UK Fleming (1992) pointed out that forming a tribunal can help employees to seek justice from legal authority which can protect their interest. According to common employment law rule, employers or companies are vicariously liable for any sort of torts they have applied on employees. But, definition of employment tribunal covers large areas such as physical harassment, payment delay or no payment, sexual harassment, gender discrimination, racial discrimination etc. In such context, Brodie (2007) has given the example of the case Hamlyn v. John Houston & Co [1903], where court has given the verdict that employers should bear equal responsibility for losses or profit made by employees. Weekes (2004) gave the case example of Kooragang Investments Pty Ltd v. Richardson Ltd [1984]; wrongful act of employees can even cause harm to reputation of the organization. It is evident from the above argument that role of Employment Tribunals is hotly debated topic among res earch scholars. In UK, employees can go to Employment Tribunals only for three reasons such as 1- unfair dismissal of the employee, 2- any kind of discrimination conducted by the employer on employee and 3- unfair deduction of payment (UK Government, 2013a). Lee (2001) and Selmi (2000) pointed out those issues like sexual harassment or gender based discrimination have been long ignored by Employment Tribunals. Same is the condition with UK Employment Tribunal where there are no separate provisions for gender based discriminations. However, the tribunal uses following procedures to settle down disputes between employee and employer. Claim Presentation & Response Employees need to submit the completed claim form to tribunal office located in England and Wales or Scotland. Location of the tribunal office is decided as per the location of the business or employer which has violated the legal norms regarding employee management. Tribunal office can reject the claim of the employee or nul lify the validity of the dispute if the claim has not made through claim form or the claimant fails to provide information regarding his/her identity (UK Government, 2013b). After receiving the claim, the tribunal office sends the response form to claimant in order to specify detail description of the dispute and the claimant has to return back the response sheet within four weeks. Case Management & Decision There are various steps before the dispute proceeding reaches the stage for case management phase but discussion of these cases is beyond the scope of this paper. During case management phase, judges in the Employment Tribunal ask lawyer for employee and employer to bring evidences which can substantiate their argument. Both employee and employer get 14 days prior notice to appear in the tribunal panel. Employment Tribunal has the authority to disclose any document regarding the case and has the authority to remove false evidences or irrelevant parties from the case (UK Governme nt, 2013b). It is duty of the employee to report about wrongdoings of employer within 90days of the incident otherwise the claim will be rejected. Number of hearing in the case management phase is decided by the judges in the Employment Tribunal. However, at the end of the case hearings, judges of the tribunal announce the decision regarding the case. The decision of the Employment
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Bang Olufson Marketing Analysis
Bang Olufson Marketing Analysis The aim of this report is to critically assess the marketing strategies of Bang Olufsen considering their business in United Kingdom. It comments on the B2B and B2C products in brief. The report comments on the following: The macro business environment Organisations Marketing Mix Organisations segmentation, targeting and positioning strategies. Based on the findings and observations, some recommendations are put forth at the end of the report. Company Background Bang Olufsen manufactures a highly distinctive and exclusive range of televisions, music systems, loudspeakers, telephones, and multimedia products that combine technological excellence with emotional appeal. Founded in 1925, by Peter BangÂÂ andÂÂ Svend Olufsen in Struer, Denmark, Bang Olufsen a/s is world renowned for its distinctive range of quality audio, video and multimedia products that represent their vision: Courage to constantly question the ordinary in search of surprising, long-lasting experiences. Bang Olufsen employs over 2,550 staff members and had a turnover of DKK 4,092 million (EUR 5486 million) in the 2007/2008 financial year. (Bang Olufsen) The Macro Business Environment Most of the BO products are manufactured in Denmark. Considering the business in UK, it has to understand the political, economic, socio-cultural and technological environment in UK. Since Denmark and UK are the members of European Union (EU), there are some advantages for the organisation. Political The European Union (EU) allows the free movement of goods and services between almost 500 million consumers in 27 EU member states. Due to this, import duty is not payable on goods sourced from Denmark, being one of the EU member states. (Business Link UK) There could be changes in the VAT and service taxation policies with the formation of new government. Economic The economic crisis and recession had affected the business of BO as people and businesses are more likely to hold on to their cash and not to spend it on high priced consumer goods. Due to the fall in share prices and real estate markets, the consumers of the high end products, like BO, will be less likely to spend as earlier. Another economic factor faced by the BO is currency exchange rates. As large part of the products produced in Denmark and with the Danish Krone (DKK) pegged to Euro, devaluation of GBP to the Euro has affected sales in UK which is one of the largest markets of the company. Socio-cultural BO has adopted the philosophy of Danish Design, which is renowned for its high class design and quality. The products of this class are considered as status symbols and products of pride. Technological Competitors like Bose, Loewe who are also known for their design, quality with the high prices are coming up with new products with the same functionalities as BO with equal or slightly lower prices. Due to the advancements in the technology, components are getting cheaper which may help companies like Sony, Samsung etc. with range of products in various qualities, targeting customers spanning across price conscious segments to quality focused segments. Legal The company has to ensure the protection of the trademarks of the brand. The logos and other trademarks should be registered in UK. The company should ensure that there are no patent infringements. Environmental Develop and produce products under circumstances that comply with the demands of the standards ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.ÂÂ ÂÂ ÂÂ Bang Olufsen as an environmentally responsible company desires to create sustainable products. The considerations involved in the operation, design, and longevity of the products must be in mutual balance with the environmental impact of production. (Environment, Bang Olufsen) The Marketing Mix The marketing mix is a combination of the Four Ps Product, Price, Place and Promotion all used to together to meet the customer needs. To create the right marketing mix, businesses have to meet the following conditions: The product has to have the right features for example, it must look good and work well. The price must be right. Consumer will need to buy in large numbers to produce a healthy profit. The goods must be in the right place at the right time. Making sure that the goods arrive when and where they are wanted is an important operation. The target group needs to be made aware of the existence and availability of the product through promotion. Successful promotion helps a firm to spread costs over a larger output (The Times 100). Product Bang Olufsen manufactures a highly distinctive and exclusive range of televisions, music systems, loudspeakers, telephones, and multimedia products that combine technological excellence with emotional appeal. Classification of Product Speciality products have unique characteristics that are important to buyers at any price. BO products are classified speciality product. BO products are made to fit in at a place where people feel at home. BO products are designed with the philosophy that they should provide: Unique experiences Relaxation Comfort and stability Uncomplicated solutions make life easy Tranquillity and longevity Consumers are ready to pay premium prices for all the above characteristics. Product Mixes, Lines and Items BO product mix comprises of several product lines such as audio, video etc. The company has a diverse product portfolio. The product range today consists of acoustic, audio, video, plasma, telecom, gift items/accessories, as well as the business areas Automotive and Enterprise. The portfolio has more than 50 individual products, many of which are designed and manufactured as per the customer desires. (The Beoworld) Product Line BO has various products in each line, e.g. their audio product line has offerings as BeoSound 8, BeoSound 5, BeoSound 9000, BeoSound 3200 etc. They all belong to the same product class high-end audio systems. (Audio, Bang Olufsen) Four Dimensions of Product Mix: The four dimensions of BOs product mix are as follows: Width: various product lines such as acoustic, audio, video, plasma, telecom etc. Depth: on an average, in each product line 6-8 items are offered Length: video line of the BO offers various dimensions of TV (e.g. BeoVision 7 comes in 3 different dimension viz., 50, 40 and 32) Consistency: all the products lines closely related in end use as all the products fall under similar set of products (i.e. high-end consumer appliances) (Adopted from Bang Olufsen) New Product Development The four product-mix dimensions permit the company to expand its business in four ways. It can add new product lines, thus widening its product mix. It can lengthen each product line. It can add more product variants to each product and deepen its product mix. Finally, a company can pursue more product-line consistency. (Kotler, 381) Line Stretching and Filling The company usually adds the items in the current product lines stretching it both-ways to some extent by adding lower as well as higher price products. It also fills the lines by releasing the products in same line with different versions e.g. a new 50 TV was launched in the video line. BO markets its products in a manner that opens up more than one product from the product portfolio. E.g. the home integration line which consists of remote controls designed to control all of the other lines in just one remote control. In addition all products carry the same type of design and thus fit together aesthetically. Product management Great design, mixed with robust technology, allows it to charge obscene sums to well-heeled consumers who want to buy originality and quality from an exclusive brand. Competing on price and product variety would be a dangerous game. The company is a pipsqueak in a consumer-electronics world dominated by giants such as Sony, Samsung, and Royal Philips Electronics. Like Apple, it brings out very few products a year. In fiscal 2007 it released just 10 new models. But unlike Apple, BO keeps its handful of products on the market for up to a decade or longer without abandoning them for new models or cutting their prices. (Jay Greene, 2007) Product Features/benefits BO products are made to fit in at a place where people feel at home. Products are also designed to be serviced and are expected to have a long life span. BO will actively support products for 10 years following its discontinuation and often longer. The design itself carries a price tag as does the exclusive image. Branding BO regards itself as the only company currently bridging the gap between design and consumer electronics. (Hansen and Nielsen, 2008) The philosophy is: creating audio concepts that combine brilliantly authentic sound quality, simple yet surprising design and a touch of magic. So that living with it becomes a special pleasure. (Bang Olufsen Design Philosophy, Beoworld, 2010) The gear should look smart, but technical performance should be outstanding. Designers and technicians work together in close collaboration from the very start of a new product. (Bang Olufsen Design Philosophy, Beoworld, 2010) After sales service Every Bang Olufsen customer is offered customised installation of products and link systems on delivery. Bang Olufsen provides the guidance and advice needed to ensure that the customer gets the full benefit of the new products from day one. (Installation, Bang Olufsen, 2010) The BO products offer performance and pleasure beyond expectations, so does the BOs International Guarantee. The Bang Olufsen product is guaranteed against all defects in workmanship and materials for three years. (International Guarantee, Bang Olufsen, 2010) Price Bang Olufsen: for those who discuss design and quality before price. (Who are Bang Olufsen customers?, Beoworld, 2010). BO follows the Image Enhancement Pricing objective because BO products are seen as lifestyle products. BO products are always highly priced as the company delivers the quality, elegance, design, status quo equivalent of the price. (Solomon et. al., 2009) (Hansen and Nielsen, 2008) Quality Bang Olufsen products are designed to be not only aesthetically pleasing but also essentially functional and easy to use. The expectations raised by a strikingly individual appearance must be completely fulfilled in terms of high quality performance in all areas when the system is switched on. Therefore, excellence in providing the consumer with the highest pleasure in both ownership and use rests on high quality as the common denominator of all activities and competence areas. (Competences, Bang Olufsen, 2010) Place Bang Olufsen products are sold by over 1.200 dealers in more than 100 countries in an extensive network of retail stores. Approximately 65% of these stores are B1-stores, which exclusively sell Bang Olufsen products. The B1 stores account for 81% of the total turnover. (About us, Bang Olufsen, 2010) (Bang Olufsen (2010) Annual Report 2009-10, p24) Bang Olufsen products sold with the premium and luxury cars such as Aston Martin, Mercedes AMG and Audi A8 to name a few. Considering the huge costs involved in the luxury yacht market, it is amazing how little customers spend on their on-board entertainment systems, and how little consideration they give to the total entertainment experience, often buying a pre-defined package; says Torben Ballegaard SÃ ¸rensen, CEO, Bang Olufsen. (Ecoustics, 2005) Along with premium cars, BO also offers entertainment systems in the luxury yacht market. Promotion Pull Promotion In order to promote their products and utilize their existing distribution channels (exclusive BO stores), BO needs to address their product turnover life cycles and provide newer and improved products to their stores. In attempt to meet the customers demand for high quality, unusual design and up-to-date technology, BO needs to approach innovation and creation uniquely. This is where Idealab enters into the picture. It is BOs hope that this new, innovative approach to product design, development, production and sales will be their keys to answer this dilemma. Marketing Strategy: Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Segmentation Demographic This segmentation categorises market based on age, gender, family structure, income and social class, race and ethnicity and geography. BO customers can be divided into four categories. First category is of people who are young and well qualified, who have very few commitments, have large disposable income and are eager to fulfil their dreams. The next category is of younger people who have just started a family, money is tighter and hence purchases are made only after careful consideration. The third category is of the ones who have it all, children are grown-up, despite of some possible financial obligations, the family still has surplus income and are looking for luxuries as second homes, exotic holidays or may be BO equipment. As per Jan Dalskov from Market Intelligence, most BO customers fall into this category. The last category, Grey gold, whose children have left home, have money to burn and can think of buying BO products for the sake of change or due to the external influences. (Who are Bang Olufsen customers?, Beoworld, 2007) Psychographic Unlike other mass producers of electronics, BO makes a few select products for the clearly defined few. Its therefore: broad appeal versus individual needs! (Who are Bang Olufsen customers?, Beoworld, 2007). Behavioural This segmentation slices consumers on the basis of how they act towards, feel about or use a product (Solomon, Marshall, Stuart, Barnes, Mitchell, 220-21). BO products are often seen as Life-Style products. As the slogan says, BO products are for those who discuss design and quality before price. (The history, Bang Olufsen, 2010) Targeting Differentiated Targeting BO uses a differentiated targeting strategy. It focuses on design and quality over price. As a result of this they charge premium prices to customers to recover the higher designing and production costs. Differentiation is about justifying premium prices to prefer the product over other, less differentiated products. Due to this BO products are positioned as High Price = High Quality. Positioning BO products are very elegant in design to justify the higher price. Price Design BO Sony Samsung BO products deliver best quality as compared other mass production electronics giants. As they describe It will never skip a beat. (BeoSound 2, Bang Olufsen, 2010) Price Quality BO Sony Samsung BO products are available in many of the luxurious 5-star hotels, high-end cars such as Aston Martin, Mercedes SLS AMG S-Class. As Carsten Sander (Senior Director Scandinavia and Baltic) says that people normally have to decide between taking a vacation to some exotic place abroad, renovating their homes, upgrading their car etc. or buying one or more BO products. (Hansen and Nielsen, 2008) Price Status Symbol BO Sony Samsung Discussion and Conclusion The company, BO, looks very strong at their brand position and recognition. Higher prices, elegant designs, supreme quality and collaborations with the luxury brands have placed company products in a niche market. Consumers are buying experience when buying BO products. Ownership of BO products creates a feeling of belonging to certain social class. Company is successful in keeping their brand image intact by delivering cutting-edge technology, high performing products. The company has strong and wide product mix, good length and depth of the product lines. Currently company has a generally tendency to launch 2-3 products in a year. The company can work on stretching the product line in both ways by keeping the brand image intact. Stretching the product line downwards i.e. offering the products of lower costs may affect consumers perception of High price = High quality. Entering into the lower price market will result in increase in competition from electronic giants such as Sony, Samsung etc. If company can concentrate on filling the product line i.e. more variations in existing product lines then it will give the consumer to choose the best suitable and feasible product to their needs. While working on the product designing and manufacturing, company can also invest in promotions. Focussing on top executives of the corporate firms may help the company to approach the potential customers. They can promote some free demonstrations, introductory offers to these executives who are willing to burn out some cash in order to maintain their social status. Exploring and expanding in this new segment of the market will give company the chance to reach to the potential customers. While exploring new B2C segments, company can also enter into B2B solutions by providing Audio Video solutions for the renowned conferences like Apples WWDC, Microsofts PDC etc. Similar to luxury yachts and cars, they can also reach Charter Jet manufacturers for collaboration, widening the product mix.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Short Answer Questions
Explain how the poet has explored the importance of community to the sense of belonging. The poet powerfully explores community to achieving sense of belonging. The use of a personal pronoun in â€Å"my village†provides the village context and proves a powerful sense of connection where he belongs. The power of community is highlighted through inclusive pronoun †our†which connotes ownership and connection to the context. Poet makes clear importance of community to achieving sense of belonging. Identify two techniques and explain how they convey the importance of family to belonging. The importance of family to creating a sense of belonging is explored through literary techniques showcased in the magazine cover. On a connotative level the world family reinforces the idea of connection. The magazine’s name â€Å"family tree†is a metaphor for connection as trees have branches. The couple in the middle is given salience. The fact that they are kissing implies the importance of relationships and connection. From looking at the miscenscene we can see how the magazine cover portrays the importance of family to belonging. Analyse how Shona Jones establishes the narrator’s place and her sense of belonging. The narrator explores the significance of place and its impact on a characters sense of belonging. Interrogative language in â€Å"you are married?†is positioning her as the other in this foreign country which is reinforced by her admission of this being a Muslim country. This contributes to her feeling of alienation and lack of connection. In â€Å"songs to sing†¦and they kept me company†, music is personified to keep company. It provides a connection to home. This connection is highlighted by a contrast with disconnection which is reinforced by connotations of homesick. The singing she hears when she is homesick is heard again when she has established a sense of connection in the new country. Reflecting on sound shows the cyclical nature of text and hence the cyclical nature of belonging. It demonstrates that familiarity of place breeds confidence. From the literary techniques in ‘The Singing’ we can see how Jones establishes the narrator’s p lace and her sense of belonging.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Argumentative Essay Essay
 Ever since the war on terror our government continues the abuse of human rights by, always tracking individuals and labeling them, practicing lock downs of cities for when they really need it, and always adding to the list of freedoms there taking away from us. Most people don’t see it as that many people see it still as a war against people that terrorized America. Soon after 9-11 the United States best computers where hard at work beginning a process to find and label terrorist in America and by doing so they invaded everyone’s privacy by constantly scanning emails and texts, voice recognition software on all our phones, Facebook is primarily used to profile people and find more about their personal mind sets and likes. Our cell phones can trigger words that start voice recording software so anyone can listen in on our calls. Right after the Boston bombing the government exercised martial law by having everyone clear the streets and clearing house by house, no one could be outside without being considered a threat, that’s putting people on lockdown and testing out how well it works on big American city’s or towns and to see how well the people listened. One by one our freedoms are being taken away and no one can stop it, it’s part of the new technology and life we will have to grow and live into and our children. Ever since the terrorist act most of our freedoms where taken away right there, and as time goes on and we continue to let our government control us pretty soon we will have no freedoms what so ever and will be under full control as a people. Everyday new and better technology comes out that can help control America one way at a time. The war on terror has contributed to the growing abuse of human rights and no one will do anything to stop it. If we don’t come together as a hole to stop it people will soon be robots living under the control of one ruler or a group of people that decide everything about us.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
How Kings First Rule The People If Israel After The Period...
In this essay, I will discuss how kings first come to rule the people if Israel after the period of the judges. I will examine the reign of each of the three kings. I will explain in detail how their kingdoms enjoyed prosperity when they were obedient to God but how their kingdoms collapsed when they turned from God. Although the prophet Samuel warned the people of Israel against the evils of kingship, the people of Israel did not heed his warnings. Ultimately, in 931 B.C. the rule of the kings of the united Israel would end in the division of the kingdom. How did kings come to rule Israel? We are told that during the time of Samuel, the people of Israel really wanted a king. All of the nations around Israel had a king, a man to lead them into battle. As Samuel grew old, he made his sons Joel and Abijah judges. However, Samuel’s sons did not exhibit the same Godly behavior that their father displayed. Instead, Samuel’s sons â€Å"turned aside after dishonest gain and accepted bribes and perverted justice†. (1 Samuel 8:3 NIV) Due to the actions of Samuel’s sons and Israel’s desire to be like the other nations, they requested a human king, effectively rejecting God’s kingship over them and ending the time of the judges. Samuel explains the evils of kingship to the people of Israel, but to no avail. Israel’s heart is set on an earthly king. The choice for the first king was Saul. However, why was Saul chosen, and, ultimately, why was he rejected? The book â€Å"The Essence of the OldShow MoreRelated The Lust For Power: How Politics And Personal Relations Become One2578 Words  | 11 Pages The Lust For Power: How Politics and Personal Relations Become One nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The stories of the Bible reveal a pattern of â€Å"ups and downs†for the nation of Israel. 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