Thursday, January 2, 2020
How Kings First Rule The People If Israel After The Period...
In this essay, I will discuss how kings first come to rule the people if Israel after the period of the judges. I will examine the reign of each of the three kings. I will explain in detail how their kingdoms enjoyed prosperity when they were obedient to God but how their kingdoms collapsed when they turned from God. Although the prophet Samuel warned the people of Israel against the evils of kingship, the people of Israel did not heed his warnings. Ultimately, in 931 B.C. the rule of the kings of the united Israel would end in the division of the kingdom. How did kings come to rule Israel? We are told that during the time of Samuel, the people of Israel really wanted a king. All of the nations around Israel had a king, a man to lead them into battle. As Samuel grew old, he made his sons Joel and Abijah judges. However, Samuel’s sons did not exhibit the same Godly behavior that their father displayed. Instead, Samuel’s sons â€Å"turned aside after dishonest gain and accepted bribes and perverted justice†. (1 Samuel 8:3 NIV) Due to the actions of Samuel’s sons and Israel’s desire to be like the other nations, they requested a human king, effectively rejecting God’s kingship over them and ending the time of the judges. Samuel explains the evils of kingship to the people of Israel, but to no avail. Israel’s heart is set on an earthly king. The choice for the first king was Saul. However, why was Saul chosen, and, ultimately, why was he rejected? The book â€Å"The Essence of the OldShow MoreRelated The Lust For Power: How Politics And Personal Relations Become One2578 Words  | 11 Pages The Lust For Power: How Politics and Personal Relations Become One nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The stories of the Bible reveal a pattern of â€Å"ups and downs†for the nation of Israel. 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