Saturday, May 23, 2020
Physical Layout, Demographic Data Class Time And Duration
Physical layout, Demographic data Class time and duration According to Merriam, et al. (2007) the formal settings of adult learning classrooms are generally characterized by adults sitting with an instructional approaches that includes a variety of methods from lectures to group collaboration. The physical layout of the classroom was much like many college classroom layouts. There were multiple long rows of tables facing the front. Students had ample room and space for technology such as computer space. Although the front of the classroom was setup with a large whiteboard and an interactive projector hung from the ceiling, most of the classroom instructional time was focused on students working in small groups. Additionally, the classroom was well maintained with lots of windows and spacious room for instruction and cooperative groups. There were ten students including, three males and seven females. There were also three white students and seven African American student s. The students’ age ranged from early twenties to probably eto mid-fifties. My assumptions are based on the students’ interactions and stories with each other and the professor. This class met at 5:00 p.m. lasting one hour fifteen minutes and ending at 6:15 p.m. This class was one of ten face to face classes. As stated earlier, this course also included on-line module components. Adult learning strategies One memorable occurrence in this observation began right at the beginning ofShow MoreRelatedNeed For A Socio Economic Study1705 Words  | 7 Pagespopulation, their background, reasons of migration, duration of migration, their transition from slum to other areas, mechanism of coping with the slum problems. ïÆ'Ëœ Issues related to willingness to pay for better living conditions and expectations from the government, and other members of urban society. ïÆ'Ëœ The economic contributions of the people in slums. ïÆ'Ëœ The cost of alternative models of development of slum areas. 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GCCs have the advantages of small size, easy distribution and simplicity. When analyzing data gathered in such a way, managers can get information about the attributes that have an impact on guests satisfaction. This paper is divided into several sections. First, a brief review of main concepts of interest is provided. Next, the researchRead MoreMy Phone Thesis16066 Words  | 65 Pagesgain recognition as a leader in technology and/or product innovation within the next 3 years, and to increase the number of clients served by at least 20% per year through superior performance and word-of-mouth referral. A Gantt chart was used for the time frame of the action plan that was prepared by the researchers. The priorities were gradually shown as well as the Marketing strategies. II. Company Profile Solid Group Inc. Solid Group Incorporated has been in the retail industry for more
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Critical Evaluation of Relevant Issues in E - Commerce
Critical Evaluation of Relevant Issues in E – Commerce E-commerce is short form of Electronic Commerce which actually means the virtual business or buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the internet and or mobile networks. The invention of faster internet connectivity and powerful online tools has resulted in this new method of trading or commerce arena – Ecommerce. Ecommerce offered many advantages to companies and customers but it also caused many problems. It is a fact that even today many people are skeptical about using online transaction for the fear of either goofing up or being duped! Nowadays E-Commerce is the buzz word on everyone’s lips be it the buyers or the sellers. Even education is†¦show more content†¦This is not always the case as many emails get through that con many people out of money and other worldly goods. An example of conning that is very common today is a mail arriving in the mailbox stating that a very large sum of money is yours for taking. All you have to do is claim it by proving your identity and giving your bank details. When an unsuspecting, gullible person does gives his bank details these are used to fraudulently withdraw money from the victims account. We could call it virtual robbery! There are many forms of e-commerce but the most popular ones are known as digital content such as individuals going online to purchase books or clothing. Anything imaginable can be purchase through the internet. Everything from cars to groceries to CDs to clothing to laptops/mobile phones/ accessories, etc. Other things that can be done online are things like online banking, online bill payments, buying stocks, completing wire transfers and transferring funds from bank to bank and account to account. Large companies also do the same transactions but in larger forms. It is just amazing how the e-commerce industry has grown since the 1970s. Now people go without visiting their banks for months together because almost anything can be done online like fund transfer; making a fixed deposit, opening accounts even! With the growth of ecommerce via the Internet there is growing awareness both among the buyers and theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Internet and a Business Information Security1617 Words  | 7 PagesEnsuring the security of a businesses’ information and assets is a critical part of a company’s success. The many facets of the World Wide Web have made protecting data a critical function for companies world-wide. Companies owe it to their customers to maintain proper security regarding sensitive information obtained when processing services or storing sensitive data. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Movie Task Free Essays
Classical conditioning was first explored and developed by Ivan Pavlov, wherein the repeated pairings of a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus would result to a conditioned response to the neutral stimulus which now becomes the conditioned stimulus. In simpler terms, Pavlov was able to demonstrate that continuously pairing a product or brand with positive emotions or behaviors, resulted to people becoming conditioned to the brand or product as producing positive emotions or behaviors. Classical conditioning was the first learning program to be applied to a number of fields whose objective does to make people learn something new without actually needing to pay attention or analyze what they were learning. We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Task or any similar topic only for you Order Now Classical conditioning was the preferred method of marketing strategies for low-risk and low-involvement products and has been quite effective in building the association between safety and Mr. Muscle, or that of a Happy Meal at McDonald’s. Concept in the movie: In the movie, classical conditioning was depicted in the distinction made from the quality of life up at San Angeles and down at the rebels lair. The movie had shown a stark contrast between the kind of life people have up at the megalopolis San Angeles and down the sewers. The affluent and safe life was depicted with the shiny buildings, the morality statute and zero violence, whereas the dark and difficult life was depicted underground in the sewers with unhealthy food, with rags for clothes and unsanitary living conditions. Evaluation of the concept in the movie: Classical conditioning refers to the process in which something is learned because it has become strongly associated with a certain emotional or physiological response. The movie made use of the classical conditioning concept by making the viewers believe that life up at San Angeles was better than life under it because of the contrasting emotional response that it evoked from the actors in the movie. The life at San Angeles was safe and boring, while under it, it was dangerous and exciting. In the concept of marketing, we could see that Dr. Cocteau was promoting the quality of life in San Angeles by making people believe that life there was safer, better and more productive than life under it to discourage people from going underground because he feels threatened by the dissenters. The emotional response of the characters in the movie who were up in San Angeles towards the underground rebels indicate the makings of classical conditioning, wherein the mere thought or presence of a rebel could evoke fear or hostility towards the rebels who did not want the kind of life offered by Cocteau. When the rebels go up at San Angeles to look for food, the citizens feel that they are being terrorized while Spartan looks at it as a means of survival because he had not been conditioned to have negative emotions for the rebels like the normal citizens do. Concept 2 Title: Brand Loyalty vs Brand Equity Concept Definition: Brand loyalty refers to the degree of attachment that a consumer has for a particular brand, while brand equity refers to the intangible value that a consumer attaches to a particular brand and how it evokes familiarity and positive emotions and perceptions. Brand equity is the general term while brand loyalty is a component of brand equity together with brand awareness, perceived quality and brand associations. The level of brand loyalty can predict the likelihood that a consumer will continue buying the brand, which can also be affected by brand awareness. Brand awareness indicates how well informed and aware the consumer is about the brand and its related products, like how many kinds of detergents does Tide have. Perceived quality refers to how consumers assess the quality of the brand, or how congruent the quality of the product is to how it has been marketed, if it says it can make stains disappear, do consumers believe it or not. Brand associations refer to the emotional and mental associations a consumer has about the product, if Tide is associated as the cleanest smelling detergent, then the mere exposure to the product would have us remember that clean smelling shirt at the wash. The stronger the brand loyalty is and awareness and association of the product and high perception of quality, the stronger the brand equity will be. Concept in the movie: Brand loyalty and brand equity was depicted in the movie with the reference of Taco Bell as the only surviving fast food after the different establishments battled it out in the franchise wars. Since San Angeles promoted safe and clean living without meat, fat, high cholesterol and the like, Taco Bell was the only fast food that survived because they offered the food that was prescribed by the leader of San Angeles and since Taco Bell was providing the same kind of food before the â€Å"big one†of 2010, then brand loyalty and equity had been strong as many people were aware of Taco Bell, and knew about its quality and that it is associated with healthy food and clean living. Evaluation of the concept in the movie: In the movie, Huxley explained that the only fast-food in the city was Taco Bell; this indicated that Taco Bell has strong brand equity. This would mean that Taco Bell has a monopoly of the fast food industry and that every franchise in the city is named Taco Bell. Surviving the franchise war gives us an idea of how the brand equity of Taco Bell gained an almost cult like status; the franchise war referred to how the fast-food industry tried to offer products that would be in keeping with the new quality of life with San Angeles, devoid of hamburgers and French fries and other sinfully unhealthy foods. Since most fast-foods rely on the usual fare of grease and salty fries, the move to prefer healthier foods left the other fast-foods cold. It was probably Taco Bell who alone kept up with the changing food habits of the people of San Angeles which s why it has come to be associated with healthy and approved foods. Likewise, Taco Bell has been able to retain the fast-food brand as a memory of the kind of fast foods in the city 20 years ago. The awareness of the brand of fast food as Taco Bell show that people still were loyal to the brand and they already have formed a strong opinion of the kind of food offered in the stores. Concept 3 Title: Cognitive dissonance theory vs Attribution theory Concept Definition: Leon Festinger said that cognitive dissonance arose from the inconsistency of an individual’s attitude to his/her behavior or actions. When a person thinks that he/she is kind but refuses to give alms to beggars, then that person experiences cognitive dissonance, the normal reaction to cognitive dissonance is to reduce the dissonance by changing one’s attitudes. On the other hand, attribution theory refers to the process in which we infer and understand our own behavior or that of other people. Heider said that attributions are made based on personal factors or situational factors in order to explain the behavior of other people. The fundamental attribution error says that observers generally overestimate the influence of personal factors when explaining the behavior of others while we tend to overestimate situational factors when we analyze our own behavior. Concept in the movie: Cognitive dissonance and attribution theory was shown in the movie through the series of exchanges between Spartan and Huxley in their pursuit of Phoenix and also in the justification made by Dr. Cocteau in his attempt at eliminating the rebel leader. In a poignant scene, Spartan complains that chasing and hitting bad people are okay but if these people are only looking for food then it is not okay. Attribution theory was depicted when Dr. Cocteau was dismayed with how his plan turned sour when Phoenix failed to follow his orders and instead went on a killing rampage in San Angeles. Evaluation of concept in the movie: Spartan was a cop of the past and he had trouble adjusting to the quality of life in the new San Angeles, he was brought to life again in order to catch an old criminal which was no match for the new San Angeles police force. This situation already hinted of cognitive dissonance, the presence of a police department who were ill equipped to catch criminals, and the curtailing of freedom of expression in order to keep peace and order in the city. The most memorable example of cognitive dissonance was when Spartan was chasing after a group of rebels who were looking for food, he thought that these people were really rebels but when he found out that they were only looking for food and was rebelling against the quality of life up in San Angeles than an arms rebellion. The dissonance arose from Spartan’s belief that he is a good cop chasing after bad guys, when he realized that he was chasing people looking for food, he felt discomfort and tension which resulted to attitude change, and here we see that Spartan tried to understand the rebels and their principles thereby reducing the dissonance. Attribution theory was depicted in Dr. Cocteau’s explanation of why Phoenix did not go through the plan to kill the rebel leader immediately. He said that Phoenix was made that way that a criminal would always be a criminal; he failed to say that the lack of police force and the flimsy security measures all contributed to Phoenix’s ease at creating mayhem in the city. Reference Schiffman, L. G. Kanuk, L. L. (2007). Consumer Behavior, 9th ed.  Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, Inc. How to cite Movie Task, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Book of Matches explore Essay Example For Students
Book of Matches explore Essay Drawing parallels with other poems in the â€Å"Book of Matches†explore the ways in which Armitage effectively conveys experience in ‘Hitcher’. ‘Hitcher’ by Simon Armitage is a chilling poem in which a frustrated man, who picks up a hitcher with â€Å"just a toothbrush and the good earth for a bed†, takes out his anger on this ‘hippy’ and throws him out of a moving car: he is cheered up by doing so and says that â€Å"the outlook for the day was†now â€Å"moderate to fair†. This poem contains key ideas and concerns that are reminiscent of Simon Armitage’s other poetry and therefore parallels can be drawn between this poem and his other works in the collection, â€Å"Book of Matches†. This poem is much longer than the sonnets which form the central sequence of the collection. This shorter sequence, which gives the collection its name, is based on the pub game of telling your life story in the time it takes for a match to burn. However, these sonnets are often imperfect in form (irregular meter and pararhyme) and it seems that Armitage’s philosophy and experience influence his poetry and do not allow him to write in the perfect and romantic form of a true sonnet. In the poem ‘Hitcher’, there a five, five line stanzas, which almost have a syllabically regular structure, despite its irregular rhyme scheme. It is written in the form of a monologue that allows the reader to gain insight into the mind of this killer and adds to the immediacy and the authenticity of the poem. The first stanza of Hitcher reveals that the narrator has been off work for a while and is under threat of losing his job. He colloquially states that he had been â€Å"tired, under//the weather†, but not seriously ill. This seems to describe someone who is unable to face the routine of everyday life and he states that the â€Å"ansaphone†is â€Å"screaming†that he will be fired if he produces â€Å"one more sick note†. The frequent use of proper nouns is common in Armitage’s poems and shows the grounded and down-to-earth quality of his work. ‘Hitcher’ presents us with two extremes in society: two men of the same age, one of whom has succeeded in escaping all ties and worries, the other caught up in it, but unable to face up to its demands and threatened with losing his job. In a question and answer session with Simon Armitage, he said that at the time he was writing the poem, he was torn between both characters as he was choosing between either becoming a full-time poet or continuing as a probation officer. This also could represent a deeper meaning as it shows that art (represented by the hippy) always loses out to Thatcherite Capitalism (symbolised by the worker). The verb â€Å"screaming†shows the desperate nature of this man and portrays a recurrent theme of Simon Armitage’s poetry which is the futility of life. The protagonist is working and yet achieving nothing, whereas the ‘hippy’ seems to be living a care-free life. This is also shown in the poem, â€Å"My Party Piece†in the phrase, â€Å"I still find time to stall and blush before I’m burnt†. This shows that despite the short time that he has to tell his life story, he has spare time at the end to â€Å"stall and blush†. The narrator himself hitches a lift to the place where he has a hired car parked, but for a very different reason to the hitcher who he picks â€Å"up in Leeds†. Simon abruptly introduces the hitcher, who is only ever introduced as ‘him’ or ‘he’. This is important as keeping the character anonymous makes the crime more despicable. The hitcher epitomises freedom as he follows â€Å"the sun to west from east†and he is described as â€Å"blowin’ in the wind†which is a clear reference to the popular Bob Dylan song of the 1960s. The lazy enjambment of this stanza could be trying to make the hitcher sound as boring as possible. However, the hippys comment that the truth could perhaps be â€Å"round the next bend†is an ominous precursor to what follows. .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea , .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea .postImageUrl , .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea , .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea:hover , .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea:visited , .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea:active { border:0!important; } .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea:active , .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u05ed5794dd87118945dd9f517a1d86ea:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens begins the novel with oxymoron EssayThe fact that stanza three describes the narrators sudden violent attack on the hitcher reveals the envy that he felt when confronted by a person who appeared to have total freedom. I let him have it is a blunt description of the physical attack during which the narrator hit the hitcher initially with his own head and then â€Å"six times with the krooklok†, directly in his face. Ruthlessness is all too apparent when he tells us that he carried on driving, perhaps because he didnt even swerve during the attack. Violence is a common theme in Simon Armitage’s poetry as Armitage worked a s a probation officer originally in Manchester. This job, during which he had to deal with drug dealers and murderers could have given him a bleak and violent outlook on life that seems to have influenced his poetry. The colloquial and casual language, such as â€Å"I dropped it into third†makes the crime even more disturbing and the relaxed tone in which the main character talks after brutalising someone shows his psychopathic tendencies. Colloquial language is often used in Simon Armitage’s other poetry which reinforces the down-to-earth qualities of his poems (â€Å"My father though it bloody queer†and the hard-edged phrase, â€Å"People talk nonsense and I put them straight†). Armitage uses enjambment to link the third stanza to the fourth, as the narrator describes how he pushed the hitcher out of the car and watched him â€Å"bouncing off the kerb†. The statement â€Å"We were the same age, give or take a week†tells us that the narrator obviously made a direct comparison between himself and the hitcher. The hitcher â€Å"said he liked the breeze/to run its fingers/through his hair†: the personification brings to life this description that must have aroused such envy in the narrator at the hitchers freedom that he began his frenzied attack. In the last stanza we again see the cold-heartedness of the narrator in the matter-of-fact tone in which he speaks, â€Å"it was twelve noon†. Realism is added to the poem in the abrupt way the narrator says, â€Å"stitch that†, a violent, northern phrase uttered when head-butting someone. The chilling humour and flippant style shown in the line, â€Å"you can walk from there†is shocking and shows that the narrator shows no remorse. In conclusion, the combination of the colloquial tone in which the protagonist speaks and the violent actions that he depicts effectively portrays experience and, in particular, a man who lacks experience and yet is tired of life. Drawing parallels with other poems in the â€Å"Book of Matches†explore the ways in which Armitage effectively conveys experience in ‘Hitcher’.
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